I've learned much in the month I've been blogging, but there is still much to learn. Yesterday morning I wrote a post first thing, then forgot to publish it until later in the afternoon, when I noticed it hadn't posted yet. Since initially I didn't know what to write about, it had no title. You will notice it still doesn't have a title because I forgot to give it one. I can be a scatterbrain that way sometimes most of the time. Blogging is more fun and satisfying than I ever imagined, mostly because of my fellow bloggers. So I'm asking for all of your help in answering a few questions of a new blogger.
- Can I go back and title a post without it re-posting or messing things up?
- Is it quirky to just leave it that way?
- Can I go back and give past posts categories, or will it republish the post as new?
- When I use pictures from other sites on the internet should I credit the site?
- How do I know if a picture is copyrighted?
- Is there a blogging handbook I should be reading?
- How many other blogs do you read regularly?
- How often do you comment when you read a blog?
- Is it rude to read but not comment? (I'm notorious for not commenting, even on all the message boards I've been a member of. Not because I'm not interested, but because I frequently feel I have nothing to add. I'm still only commenting on about half the blogs I read.)
Learn something new everyday is my motto, I plan to learn a lot today!