Meg over at Becoming a Non-Smoker tagged me for this fun award!
She loves that I love Pearl Jam and honestly, I love that she loves that I love Pearl Jam!
Here are the rules for this particular award, taken directly from her site:
1. Choose...blah, blah, blah...brilliant in content or design
2. Show the...blah,blah, blah...can keep the nifty icon.
3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself
I am also supposed to pass this award along to some number of other folks who I find blah blah blah brilliant as well.
Before I get to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me... I'm going to tag some fantastic bloggers out there! I really want to pick Asthmagirl, but when Meg picked me she picked her too, so I won't make her be honest twice! I'm picking the following bloggers because I'd love to know more about them!
And now on to the truth...
1. When I was a day care mom sometimes the kids in my charge would have milestone moments at my house like taking their first steps, or crawling, or talking, or any other number of things, but I would not tell their parents. I would wait until I heard "Guess what baby did?" They would tell me and it would be their moment, not mine, just like it should be!
2. I read. I read a lot. I read to escape. I read to avoid doing stuff. I read mindless fiction books almost exclusively these days. I used to be into really well written novels and I still am sometimes, but mostly I want to read a book that's going to entertain me without having to think too much. Because of this reason I like to read series books where I don't have to get to know new characters. I read all of the Harry Potter books every year. Pathetic I know, but honest!
3. I keep a really tidy desk at work, but at home not so much.
4. I'm terrified, I mean really terrified of the dentist. Consequently I don't go until I absolutely have too, like when I have a horrible toothache, or when one of my teeth breaks. I do however brush my teeth twice a day and I floss everyday. I can't stand to have stuff stuck between my teeth. Just writing about the dentist is making me shiver with fear.
5. I only buy used clothes for myself. I hate, hate, hate clothes shopping in regular stores. I enjoy thrift store shopping because you never know what you might find for $.99. It's a treasure hunt.
6. When watching TV I do stuff during commercials so I don't have to watch them. I dry my hair, or check emails, or do the dishes, laundry, whatever to avoid watching the ads. I don't watch that much TV, but the shows I watch I'm obsessed with. I watch Lost, Rescue Me, American Idol and Ghost Hunters. Ghost Hunters is really bad because they play multiple episodes back to back. Don't ask me to do anything on a Wednesday this time of year because I'm watching Ghost Hunters 4-8, American Idol 8-9 and Lost 9-10. It's a good thing I do stuff during the commercials or nothing would get done at my house on Wednesdays.
7. There is something about looking at a very hot guy that is so enjoyable. Hot to me means any number of things. A guy working hard physically all sweaty and muscly. A guy caring for a child all sweet and tender. A guy just sitting around reading. Yep, men are yummy.
8. I have a really bad potty mouth, normally only in my head. In a few situations it rears it's ugly tongue like when I'm chatting online with my friend chrissyb or when I'm driving omg, it's like I have turrets and can't stop it. If those other drivers knew what was coming out of my mouth aimed at them they would be blushing.
9. I came from a very dysfunctional family. I'll have to blog about it someday...maybe.
10. I say a prayer of thanks and gratitude every night, but I don't go to church. I'm spiritual, but not religious. I believe that if God made us in "his" image then "he" has to be a male and female entity. I look around everyday and am amazed by the beauty in the world. I also see the male and female in everything.
I know I'm a freak but at least I'm honest.
A few of these topics will be blogged about on upcoming Fess Up Fridays.