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July 07, 2011


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Cute drill team! I bet it was a fun performance. One plus of outdoors performances vs the indoors ones of dance: The lighting makes for easier photo-taking!

The Incredible Woody

Congrats on making the drill team! I look forward to seeing pics!!

Mental P Mama

So adorable!!!

Liz C.

OMG! She's so adorable! I'm so glad she made it!

I remember telling our daughter that she could try out for cheer-leading in middle school, hoping she'd give it up by high school & go with sports. Cheer-leaders are the meanest girls in high school here. She was a cheer-leader for 2 years then went into Varsity Soccer. But, they were a fun two years, believe me!

It's a whole new world now, Mom... Enjoy!


That is awesome. I don't really know what the drill team is. Is it cheerleading? Congrats to The Daughter Formerly Known As Dancing Daughter!

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