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June 28, 2011


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Liz C.

Wonderful harmony! I'd never heard of them but I do know a lot of amazing musicians have come out of Seattle.

Willie Nelson is the only one who ever comes here, LOL!

The Incredible Woody

They do put on a fantastic show!!


They're one of those bands that I don't realize I like until I hear the songs and then I go "Ohhhh that's My Morning Jacket".


I love that song! having a rough day, it made me feel better. Thanks for posting.


You will have to fill me in on the show sometime. I hope one day you can come see them play a hometown show in KY sometime.

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It was a great Sunday night for you. Because of you watched movie and also seeing Bruce Springsteen concert. Its good to spend Sunday with lots of fun.

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I like to going to see the music concerts. Its the time where you listen live songs from the singers and its really gives you another level of enjoyment.

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They're one of those bands that don't realize I love so I hear the songs and then go "aohehh is my morning jacket".

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