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April 21, 2011


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The Incredible Woody

What a great Mom you are!!!


woohoo! he got a job!!

Liz C.

Ohhhh... I feel so bad for your daughter. Sometimes they just do so much it eventually overwhelms them, which is really hard for moms too.

Nice to hear you now have a son on salary! Can't wait to go to Pike's & harass him!

Mental P Mama

I wouldn't be messing with pictures, either! W00t! to all!! I love the Pike Place Market! The most beautiful flowers on the planet are there, too! Cannot wait. Will Eddie Vedder be there, too?

Jenn @ Juggling Life

That's a lot going on--great news about your son getting a job!

Miami refractive surgery

You are a busy mom, but happy one, with good kids, glad for your son, he got a job, and your daughter should not be so stressed for this, cause she will have a whole life of stress and have to be strong.

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