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April 25, 2011


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We loved it too. And yes, we got sunburned too even though we applied sunscreen hourly. Your pictures brought back some great memories!


YES! Looks like lots of fun and what beautiful weather!

The Incredible Woody

I have been to SeaWorld twice. And would go again in a heartbeat! And yes, I sit in the soak zone as well. Thank heavens, for water-proof cameras:) Vol Fan even got picked to be in the sea lion show! He said they have REALLY BAD fish breath!

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It is such a nice trip of you at a Sea World. It is really an amazing place. The dolphin looks so beautiful and cute. The shark fish also looks danger and nice.

Provided to Nick Thomas on Email

It is an amazing Water World park. There are many different shows. I like dolphin show so much. Cirque Du Soleil show also looks nice. There are also some nice water rides.

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It is a great city place for one day picnic. There are so many different activities for all ages. It is a pleasure to watch a dolphin show. To play in water is also amazing felling.

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I really like this sea world place. It is a great to spend one day at sea world. There are so interesting rides and activities. I think water rides and dolphin show is the main highlight of this sea world.

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Wow! what a nice Sea World. There are lots of activities for fun. I like the dolphin and the Beluga Whales dancing show. The soak zone also provide great entertainment.

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