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April 19, 2011


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Tracey of These Nine Acres

LOVE the giraffes!

The Incredible Woody

I have always wanted to visit both places! I will definitely remember to visit the zoo first. Elephants are my favorite:)

Liz C.

I can't believe you got to get so up close & personal w/ the giraffes. How amazing! I've always heard that the San Diego Zoo is the best in the U.S. & I love, love, love going to zoos. What fun!

Mental P Mama

Love those giraffes! And the koala love??? Squeeee!

Syed Housein

nice pictures. those are some tammed animals.


I would very much like a koala and a panda bear! Love the giraffe pics.

After dark

Very nice pictures. I guess these animals are rare. Thats good you got chance to see them.

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