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« Sing-A-Long Saturday | Main | San Diego Zoo Safari Park vs. The San Diego Zoo »

April 18, 2011


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The Incredible Woody

Looks like a fabulous place to visit!!

Tracey of These Nine Acres

Awesome! I would love to see that one day.

Liz C.

I'd love it. Anything to do with water, I'm usually up for it... especially boats & ships. I should be living in a house boat somewhere.



Ha! I love the TAPS guys! Too bad you didn't see one of them. :o)

That doll has some pretty creepy eyes. Other than that, the photos are AWESOME (although the creepy eye doll shot is pretty awesome, too, despite its creepiness!).

Jenn @ Juggling Life

In 5th grade our elementary school students spend the night on Star of India--it's very cool!


Yes Ghost Hunters! I saw that one, where they heard footsteps on the top deck and no one was up there. Spooky!

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