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« (Almost) Wordless Wednesday | Main | Things that keep me from blogging... »

April 10, 2011


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I love San Diego. The weather is perfect most of the year. But my friend who lives there gets bored in the winter months and longs for cold, rain and sweaters. I on the other hand long for the opposite in winter months: sun, heat, and flip flops.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

Next time you're here I will take you on a tour of all the neighborhoods--you will love Coronado!


I love visiting San Diego! And meeting bloggers is always high on my list of things I want to do!

The Incredible Woody

What a great trip!!


I have yet to meet a blogger friend in real life. Yay you!

Liz C.

I want to live with you in that house. It's awesome!

Love San Diego too...

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