I bet your wondering where I've been the place couple weeks. I already told you about my sprained knee, which is getting better, but on top of that I got sick and I'm not really sure how it happened.
During the last 4 years our family has gone through many changes... Buying a new house, moving, being broke, renting out a house we couldn't sell, being broke, remodelling the new house, being broke, being turned down for a refinance on the new house, losing my job, being even more broke, job searching for almost 5 months and being broke. Through all of this stress Handy Man and I managed to stay fairly healthy. Nothing more than sniffles and maybe some stomach issues, but generally we stayed healthy during a long stretch of heavy stress.
Now things are much better for us, if fact I would say we are very comfortable with where we are in our lives right now. We are no longer stressed about mortgages, rentals, refinancing, etc. We are planning a vacation in a couple weeks, we are in a great place.
So why then did Handy Man and I both end up getting the flu this year? I haven't been this sick since I had the flu that turned into pneumonia when Dancing Daughter was 1, that was 15 years ago. For a couple years after that I got both the flu and pneumonia shot, but haven't gotten either since. I just don't get sick anymore. I learned how to say no more often. I learned to rest when I was tired. I learned how to meditate and do things I love for enjoyment.
Not sure what happened this time. All I can say is I find it amazing that we can go through 4 years of such heavy stress with no serious illness and during this time of prosperity we both get knocked on our asses.
Wow, just wow!
I'm going to work today, even though I want to rest some more. I have no PTO time to spare, I was out 3 days last week and can't afford to miss more work.
It is really hard for me to listen to myself complain while the people in Japan are digging out from horrible devastation. While concentrating on healing thoughts for myself, I'm sending out healing thoughts to the victims, families, rescue workers and leaders for a fast recovery.
Wow, I had no idea you were so sick. Remember when K2 gave K3 strep throat and you and handiman both got it? I felt so bad.
Take care my friend, and my healing thoughts join yours for Japan.
Posted by: Diane | March 14, 2011 at 06:03 AM
See, You are human!
Posted by: Chrissy | March 14, 2011 at 06:57 AM
Oh man, sorry you are sick! Rest up and focuse on getting better!
Posted by: Megh | March 14, 2011 at 09:28 AM
Hope you are feeling tip-top very soon!
Posted by: The Incredible Woody | March 14, 2011 at 12:16 PM
I think sometimes your body does you a favor and waits until you have the time to be sick--as a student I only got sick during breaks.
I hope your healthy for spring break in San Diego!
Posted by: Jenn @ Juggling Life | March 14, 2011 at 08:32 PM