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March 29, 2011


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The Incredible Woody

I don't think that day could have gotten any better!!


Woo hoo yay for good days! Is Jean Auel's new book a part of the Clan of the Cave Bear series?


Let's get together and share some Excel love!


A very good day indeed!

I wish I loved Excel as you do. I use it but kinda suck at it.

Jean Auel book? I got a review copy and handed it over to my daughter to read. It is indeed large so I think it'll be a while before I get it back.

Woot-woot on the Eddie tix!

Liz C.

Isn't it the best feeling when everything fits after a winter of loose fitting pants & lots of comfort foods? It's especially so just before breaking them out for a vacation. You must be blessed. And finding two $5 bills in the pockets? Ka-ching! A real mood elevator...

Love his voice & music. Love the video. Whew!

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