This year I've committed myself to grow some veggies. Our yard has the perfect full sun location that we've never really done anything with, except grow Dahlias and weeds.
While I was away scrapbooking last weekend Handy Man turned all the soil and added some bags of chicken manure.
Now it's up to me to rake it out and plant some seeds.
The plan is to plant spinach, radishes, beets, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, green beans, garlic and onions amoung others. Some I will start from seed straight in the ground and others I will purchase as starter plants. I also plan to plant some raspberries in a different location. I'll keep you posted as the garden progresses.
If you garden what are your favorite things to grow? What veggies have you had the most luck with?
Looks like a great start. I can't wait to visit and try some of your food.
Posted by: Chrissy | March 22, 2011 at 08:28 AM
I always have great plans for a garden then they never grow right. Or I never water right ... or prepare the soil right. Who knows? But last fall I did end up with one fantastic zucchini and one lovely pumpkin. A true accomplishment for me!
Posted by: Lisa | March 22, 2011 at 10:07 AM
I have some seeds for "special plants" I will bring them over!
Posted by: Mark Bleckmann | March 22, 2011 at 10:11 AM
I garden, alot. I have grown everything from strawberries to tomatoes. Since we eat salad everyday I am concentrating on greens and tomatoes this year. I have the most success with my strawberries. Don't do much with them but weed them year to year. I planted garlic, lots of it, this past fall and am waiting for it mature. I think the easiest to grow was the beets. When I thinned them I used the small tiny ones in my salad. Gardening is a hit and a miss, just keep at it year to year. There is lots that can go wrong and lots that can go right. Just keep at it. Cover your tomatoes so they get lots of heat and you will have juicy fruit in the late summer. Good luck and may the bee gods be with you.
Posted by: Reva | March 22, 2011 at 01:41 PM
YAY! I just started gardening...well, we garden out of pots because we have a rental and can't tear up the yard. However, our green peppers and tomatoes were a hit last year! And so delicious.
Posted by: Meg | March 22, 2011 at 03:40 PM
I miss my garden!! Definitely get starter plants for tomatoes. Our favorite green bean to grow was Early Contender Bush Bean. It grows in a bush rather than on runners that you have to run up a trellis and produces tender stringless beans!
You might want to rethink the pumpkin - pumpkin vines are HUGE and will take over your garden spot in no time...
Posted by: The Incredible Woody | March 22, 2011 at 04:59 PM
All I do is tomato and basil, but I'd love to do what you're doing!
Posted by: Jenn @ Juggling Life | March 22, 2011 at 06:49 PM