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February 01, 2011


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Cool tattoo! I have no idea on the reference, though, as I don't know Zelda or her world. :o)

I don't have any tattoos. I've considered getting an ankle bracelet but have never done it. My oldest and youngest daughter have several tattoos: on their wrists, the back of their necks, behind their ears, my youngest near her belly button. My middle daughter (conservative Bubby mama) will never get one. To each his own. That works for me.


Looks amazing!


Very cool. Good for him! I have two tattoos. One I got for my 21st birthday, a butterfly that matches my sister's butterfly tattoo. It's on the small of my back. My other tattoo is a trikestra, the Celtic trinity for Maiden, Mother and Crone the three stages of motherhood. MY only regret is I fear the Trikesta may show in my wedding photos. Other than that, I love them both!

The Incredible Woody

Looks great! I don't have a tattoo but only because I'm a big ol' wimp!

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I would venture to say the Pacific Northwest is pretty free-spirited, too.

I'm sure he's thrilled with his gift!

Mental P Mama

I have one;)

Tattoos For Girls

Hey there : )
Why do men and women (society generally) still pre-judge people with tats. women especially?
I am a twenty six year old F, have got 11 tattoos, most of which can not be noticed on my daily travels. 5 - 6 during the summer are pretty much constantly on display. I don't aim for attention and I have a loving boyfriend WITH NO TATTOOS .I get the impression that many people think that tattooed persons are blind, once we get stared at, even when we return a glance many people keep on looking. When will society change?

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