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April 20, 2010


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Phone interview... keep it casual. Less formal than face to face. They'll be cued from your resume, so be prepared to chat about whatever you said on that or your cover letter. Put a mirror in front of you and smile. They'll hear that in your voice. Be in a quiet room so you aren't distracted by dogs, kids or crying babies!


Such exciting news, I hope the house sells asap and you're in a job you love in the next few days. Keep us posted.


I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope it all works out.

And AG has all the right advice. Keep your personality and voice UP 'cause they're judging you on your voice. DON'T MUMBLE! :)



Wow! The momentum has shifted and life is on its way to GRAND! I'm thinking of you! Keep us posted!

The Incredible Woody

Woot on the house!!

I say just be yourself and they will love you:)

Liz C.

Yay about the house!

Just try to be as articulate in your speech as possible. That's my only offer. Good Luck!

Mental P Mama

Great news about the house!!! And I know you will do fine on the phone! Good Luck!



noble pig

Great news all around!!


great news on the rental...good luck on the job interview...

Tracey of These Nine Acres

Congrats and good luck all in one post! I happy the house will be off your shoulders...

All things happen in God's time, I guess!


You have me on the edge of my seat! Post soon and let us know what happens!

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