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April 14, 2010


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Mental P Mama

I am fixin' up my new nest! Stay positive my friend. Stay positive;)


So sorry you're at a negative place in this whole job hunt thing. You'll get through it. Love the spring pics and I spent the day in the sun on Sunday. nothing like sunshine and a good book to make your heart feel lighter. Hugs, my friend!


My plans are a 3 mile brisk walk (which I already did), to meet with a chef about food for a fundraiser I am helping to organize, to volunteer at our local thrift store Good Cheer, to pick up my afternoon charge and stay with her for a few hours, maybe work in the yard for an hour before I have to fix dinner. And that is about it. Oh yea print out the damn taxes, get them signed, write out the check so it is ready to mail in the morning (arggggggg I hate taxes).

The Incredible Shopping Woody

I took a very costly trip to Sam's Club. Just finished hiding the loot!

Liz C.

Your pictures are truly magnificent!

I've been working hard every day. I'm trying to pay attention to my online shop more & have been typing up listings & researching. Ugh!

noble pig

You do a lot of deleting my friend. I worked outside in the sun, reading would be nice. I wonder what our farm laborers would think if pulled up a chair and started reading a magazine?

Tracey of These Nine Acres

Pretty pictures. I sat outside and read today too while the kids were playing. Loved it!

Jenn @ Juggling Life

You should be doing the photo challenges at The Women's Colony--today's was spring and yours would fit right in.

They're lovely.


don't put that camera down again, your photos are lovely and the beautiful sunshine should hopefully warm your spirit! Hang in there sweetpea, it will happen.


Thank you so much! Your comment made my day.

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