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March 03, 2010


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I know exactly what you mean. I really want some alone time with my camera!


What great photos! Your kids have their mother's knack in the photo department, that's for sure. (And I love your daughter's hair!)

What gets pushed to the side in my life? Practicing piano. I love my big, old, out-of-tune piano and I loved taking lessons. But life has gotten in the way the last few months and I've actually stopped practicing ... and quit taking lessons. Ugh!

The Incredible Woody

Love, love, love DD's hair!! I don't know what we would do if we didn't each have our own computers:)


Dancing daughter is beautiful, and the boys all grown up and ready to rock on. I love the pictures of the dog. Soon, very soon I am getting my ipad or macbook. I really don't like sharing the computer. It seems almost like an intrusion of my space or someone looking through my purse. I think it is because I have shared everything all my life and now I just want something of my own.

What do I put off that I love? So much too choose from. Maybe the question is what have I not begun because I do everything else that I don't really like? I think it would have to be traveling for pure pleasure, even if it is just to a local international food store. Just to experience something out of the norm.

Mental P Mama

LOVE DD's shot! Actually, love them all;)


Great photos. I love when cats end up in odd places! And the dog pictures are too cute.

I love knitting, especially while watching some mindless how on t.v. but I haven't picked up my needles in awhile. I'll have to fix that!

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I haven't picked up my camera in weeks. I really need to do that this weekend.

Your daughter's eye color is really striking! There's some great pics of some great kids in there.

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