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February 13, 2010


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Saw Dave and band at the Gorge several years back; we were probably the oldest ones there. Sat on the hill directing "happy" kids back to their groups. Always the mom helping the kids. We most likely were the only ones there, besides the band, who was sober.


I have an IPod but rarely use it. What kind of ear plugs do you use? I hate the ones that came with my IPod. Yes, Hate!!! Maybe I would listen more to it if the dang things stayed in my ears.
I like your music choices, btw!


I've never been a huge DMB fan but my oldest daughter is and has seen them several times. I do have a handful of his songs on my iPod.

Regarding iPod use, I actually never listen to it with the ear buds; I have a hook-up for my Bose and a hookup in my car ... and crank it on both! I don't do well with the buds.


I used regular headphones with my ipod, I can't stand the ear buds either. I also have a car adapter and a hook up for the boom box and stereo. I have all my bases covered!


I used regular headphones with my ipod, I cant stand the ear buds either. I also have a car adapter and a hook up for the boom box and stereo. I have all my bases covered!

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