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« Pearl Jam Sunday | Main | Optimist/Pessimist »

February 22, 2010


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That is so cool! And to be making money designing MySpace pages for others is probably the best job for a high-schooler ever! I can see why you're so proud of him. Good luck to Act of Bravery!!

Mental P Mama

That is really awesome!

Tracey of Nine Acres

Sounds like an excellent pursuit. There are so many bad things they could be into!


Great site!! He's doing really good work. Great band name too!

Liz C.

How cool is that?! Love the MySpace page and their pictures are hilarious! I always say let them have the freedom to be what they want as long as long as they're good kids...

2nd try at posting this comment. Grrr...


I can't go check it out until I'm in the office alone, but when I am I will definately listen. Good for SWS!

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