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January 19, 2010


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Nothing. Like you, I get the birthday/holiday and this year I just set it aside. Inspiration is sure to strike! I'm glad you love the purse, it is awesome!


Another way you and I are much alike: I, too, do not like shopping -- unless it's at a bookstore or sitting on the computer! It used to bug the hell out of my middle daughter (Bubby's mom) that I wasn't the kind of mom who enjoyed day-long shopping excursions with her daughters.

Gorgeous purse! Love the red!

I've not treated myself much as I'm still trying very, very hard to use my severance money as sparingly as possible, in the event I don't win the lotto or Publishers Clearing House soon and need to put food on the table. :o) BUT, I did finally break down and buy the heavily hyped Kings of Leon CD.

Meg B

Hello, gorgeaus! I am beyond jealous of that lovely purse. I'm also happy you don't have buyers remorse. Good for you for treating yourself.

I'm a shoe girl and every now and then on the RARE occasion when I've got some extra cash waiting to be spent I'll buy a ridiculous pair of shoes that I can only wear maybe three months out of the year but who cares, right? I love them, they make me happy and that's all that matters.

Mental P Mama

W00t! You deserved it! Everybody should do something for themselves every once and a while;)


I haven't done this in a long time! You made a great choice...lurve the red!

noble pig

Wow how cool. Today and most days, I spent all my money at Oregon Vineyard Supply. Ugh.


Oh! That is nice! Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!


practical, spacious and very modern! Happy WW


Sometimes, a purse speaks to you. There are seven or eight of them currently speaking to me from my closet. They're saying "We want a new sister!"

I'm going to look at Fossil purses online right now!

Liz C.

After the many years I spent taking the kids to the mall, I now avoid it like the plague.

However, I haven't used any of my Christmas money yet.

Like you, I'm waiting to see something that beckons to me.

Love that bag!

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