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« End of the Year Review - Part 3 | Main | Sing-A-Long Saturday »

January 08, 2010


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Sounds like fun! I've been to that mall with my hubby and girls, in the early 90s. Baths are one thing I'm not really into ... I'm definitely a shower gal. I'd say in the last five years, I've probably taken two baths. Maybe.

We have the older version of Fact or Crap. It's a fun game. But I don't think our version talks about Uranus at all! Funny story!

Mental P Mama

Uranus is always funny. Always. Has DD recovered from the embarrassment yet? ;)


I love bath balls! Your photos are fab!

Meg B

Nothing like a good case of the giggles to mess with a game. I would've laughed too, drunk or not.

J loves Lush. I've never been there, but he really likes...I think the scent is karma? Now I'm a bath taker so I may have to go with him next time and check out the goods.


Lush is the bomb (Cracking myself up!)
I like the link. TOG and I have been taking it to the games.

Robin from Israel

Sounds like a great way to spend the day.


What a fun day. In some ways, I just love Seattle. Just not the dark and wet ways!

Why are the buses stinky?

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