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December 16, 2009


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you are very energetic today! these are a lot of projects to begin in December and I admire you 100%.

phd in yogurtry

I did not know Lamott's "Bird by Bird" reads like a novel. I'll have to read it, then. Because I've loved so many of her books.


I have that CS3 for Dummies ... and am overwhelmed by it! I'm sure you'll have better luck because you've already shown incredibly envious photo skills.

And you'll love Bird by Bird. Anytime I got a new writer on staff (when I was an editor) I would give her a printed copy of the passage relating to working through things "bird by bird." And when we'd become a stressed-out staff, I'd remind them to take things bird by bird. It's a lovely passage and oh-so helpful in the craziness of life. I even printed out copies of that chapter for my daughters. You'll love it ... and turn to it when life overwhelms.

Enjoy your learning time!

Mental P Mama

I am impressed! i have that Anne Lamont book, and I'm going to get it off the shelf!

Sukhmandir Kaur

I 'd love to take a photo shop class. It's so hit and miss when learning through practiacal experience. There are so many tricks. You are bound to learn something if you just go through all the steps one by one.

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