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December 15, 2009


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Mental P Mama

Fun, fun times! And I wonder if Asthmagirl will come fix my mophead....

Meg B

that's awesome! I love reconnecting with people I haven't seen in ages! And I especially like that the high school friend was a surprise. Those are the best!


What do you mean "look so much better than me?!"?? You look beautiful and happy! What a sweet, interesting post. And what a fantastic highlight of your party. Very, very cool!


Asthmagirl is embarrased that she let your hair get so out of hand! And she's glad she fixed it before your holiday party... which she didn't attend because she got taken to the pub for her birthday dinner. And you look lovely! You have that beautiful smile!

Tracey of Nine Acres

It is fun to reconnect with old friends. Oh, and we are always our harshest critics. I think all of my friends are aging much better than me!

Robin from Israel

How fun to get a chance to reconnect (in person, not just on FB) with old friends.

PS Those cookies look amazing!

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