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December 31, 2009


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Sounds like fun ... and interesting. You just might have your own personal fireworks this evening, considering the combination of personalities. :o) They both sound like great kids. Good luck with the festivities. While you're enjoying your wine, I'll be downing a pomegranate martini (or two) with my daughter -- who is more than legal! -- then seeing Sherlock Holmes with my hubby. We just MIGHT make it til midnight! Happy New Year to you and yours! I'm so glad you're back online!

The Incredible Woody

Sounds like it could;) Happy New Year!!


Oh, I remember those days! I know you survived!

Mental P Mama

LOL. The wine is the most important part. Cannot wait to hear how everything went! Happy New Year!

Tracey of These Nine Acres

Good luck! Ladybug went to a friend's house for 2 days, so it has been a bit quieter here. Enjoy the noise!

Liz C.

Well, as long as you have wine, things should be fine. Make sure you have several bottles though... It might be a long night, lol.

Robin from Israel

How did it go? Whatever the mess, better where you can see them than out on the roads, right?

Glad your computer is fixed, I certainly know that pain.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

We did that last year--this year was all about getting them settled at their social events. We actually had a nice, relaxing evening after 9:30.

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