The teens are invading our house this evening. It will be the first time both my kids will have friends over at the same time. It could be interesting. Dancing Daughter and Star Wars Son are about as different as two people can be, yet so much the same. Neither has any patience for drinking, drugs or smoking.
DD is an active Christian who attends church activities twice a week (sometimes three times). SWS is a self proclaimed atheist, although when pressured he will say that he MIGHT believe in the Force, which we all know is very spiritual.
DD is very uncomfortable hearing foul language. SWS and his friends are all about the foul language.
DD and her friends have no tattoos or piercings, SWS and his friends are all about the body art (not that SWS has any body art, besides pierced ears, but whatever).
DD is not into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing. SWS has had a few "serious" girlfriends.
DD wears a purity ring. SWS.... Well whatever.
We are not really sure how many kids on either side will be showing up, but at least we have the computer back and running well. While one group is using the only TV we have, the other group can be on the computer or playing one of the 1,000 board games we have.
We have 3 half racks of soda, 5 bags of chips, many leftover Christmas cookies, meat and cheese platter, crackers, hummus, salmon ball, carrots... And wine for me. I think we are all set!!
Sounds like fun ... and interesting. You just might have your own personal fireworks this evening, considering the combination of personalities. :o) They both sound like great kids. Good luck with the festivities. While you're enjoying your wine, I'll be downing a pomegranate martini (or two) with my daughter -- who is more than legal! -- then seeing Sherlock Holmes with my hubby. We just MIGHT make it til midnight! Happy New Year to you and yours! I'm so glad you're back online!
Posted by: Lisa | December 31, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Sounds like it could;) Happy New Year!!
Posted by: The Incredible Woody | January 01, 2010 at 08:21 AM
Oh, I remember those days! I know you survived!
Posted by: deb | January 01, 2010 at 09:00 AM
LOL. The wine is the most important part. Cannot wait to hear how everything went! Happy New Year!
Posted by: Mental P Mama | January 01, 2010 at 09:07 AM
Good luck! Ladybug went to a friend's house for 2 days, so it has been a bit quieter here. Enjoy the noise!
Posted by: Tracey of These Nine Acres | January 01, 2010 at 05:42 PM
Well, as long as you have wine, things should be fine. Make sure you have several bottles though... It might be a long night, lol.
Posted by: Liz C. | January 02, 2010 at 11:04 AM
How did it go? Whatever the mess, better where you can see them than out on the roads, right?
Glad your computer is fixed, I certainly know that pain.
Posted by: Robin from Israel | January 03, 2010 at 03:53 AM
We did that last year--this year was all about getting them settled at their social events. We actually had a nice, relaxing evening after 9:30.
Posted by: Jenn @ Juggling Life | January 03, 2010 at 08:30 PM