I really don't have much today...
The appraisal was completed on Monday. Handy Man walked the guy around and answered all his questions about what we've done to the house and when the work was completed. He took a lot of notes and pictures, but oddly enough didn't ever use a tape measure. He mentioned he was having a really hard time finding comps. I was really hoping we'd have some news by now, but nothing yet.
Star Wars Son is having a great time with Cinderella. Yesterday when I picked him up from school he said, You are going to laugh really hard when I say this, but I really love musical theatre. He was right, I laughed. It's so unexpected. He was dreading the whole thing at the beginning of the year and now he's having a blast. Surprisingly he also said, I love the dancing part. I almost drove off the road when he said that. I love it when my kids amaze me.
More Star Wars Son news... I can't remember if I posted that he broke up with his "out of town" girlfriend? There was a little too much lying on her part going on so he called it quits. Now he's working on another girlfriend who lives only two towns away, has her own car and two parents. He's trying out a different kind of girl he told me... A stable one.
I'm looking for some book recommendations. I just read a couple of really great books (The Kite Runner and Plainsong) and am having a challenge finding another one on par with those. I just started The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, so far it hasn't grabbed me, but I usually give a book 100 pages before I quit. I'd love to hear what you are reading or have loved reading.
Hope you hear something soon with the appraisal. It has to be driving you batty!
Awesome about SWS - stable girls are so much better than crazy ones:)
Posted by: The Incredible Woody | October 22, 2009 at 08:59 AM
I think it's wise to always go with the stable ones....And I am reading Jon Krakauer's Where Men Win Glory. It's about Pat Tillman and his death by friendly fire in Afghanistan. Really good....
Posted by: Mental P Mama | October 22, 2009 at 09:21 AM
Glad SWS is doing so well with his play. Good for him.
As for books...have you read Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen yet? I cannot recommend this book enough! Also A Great and Terrible Beauty. It's a young adult trilogy. I read this one and liked it but haven't got to the 2nd and 3rd ones yet.
Posted by: Meg | October 22, 2009 at 10:17 AM
LOVE both of those books. I have Edgar sitting on my shelf calling my name. Tell me whether to take the leap...
Posted by: Tracey | October 22, 2009 at 10:17 AM
Stability... always a plus!
They didn't use a tape measure on any of our recent appraisals either. What an odd real estate market we are living in...
Posted by: asthmagirl | October 22, 2009 at 12:29 PM
I have to admit I gave up on Edgar Sawtelle. Too many books to read and that one wasn't grabbing me either. Have you read The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield? (I apologize if you've mentioned it before; I'm new here.)It's a great October read!
PS: Love your site -- and LOVE that you love PJ!!
Posted by: Lisa | October 22, 2009 at 01:13 PM
Rut ro...I am hearing that appraisals are not what they used to be. Hope your's beat this trend.
Posted by: deb | October 22, 2009 at 01:14 PM
LOL! Boys are so strange & yet wonderful at the same time. Go figure.
No time to read these days around here, especially with the home stretch to the holidays nearing. However, I did listen to Kite Runner while I drove to Austin & back. That's the most reading I get these days.
Hope the appraisal thing turns out alright. Why would he not use a measuring tape? That would certainly make me nervous.
Posted by: Liz C. | October 22, 2009 at 05:03 PM