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March 18, 2009


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Looks delicious!

Can you email your address so I can randomly send you some crappy...I mean, crafty homemade item? [email protected]


I am so glad I had to scroll to read/see the whole recipe because I gained weight on the way ... looks so good ... now if I could get someone to make it for me .. and a lovely photo of you, your pretty daughter and AG! What a nice surprise


Lovely phot of all of you guys!

Sally T.

Hi! I came over from Asthmagirl and oh my, food photos! I drooled. Like you, I gotta have real chocolate when cooking (or eating). Your cookies look delicious. I will definitely be back! And your pizza stone? looks like mine!

Sally T.

Mental P Mama

Yum. Yum. And, yum.

noble pig

That crunchy PB is just yummy looking. So glad there is a cookie you can enjoy!


I got all excited when I read 'wheat-free' and had that dashed when I saw the oats because I suddenly realized it wasn't gluten-free. Ah well - it can be done if you buy the special oats - I just can't bring myself to try them because I'm too afraid of them.

I know there are plenty of gluten-free cookies around somewhere...


Hi aims, thanks for stopping by. Sorry about the gluten. By problem is with wheat only, I don't have a gluten allergy. You can by all means make these cookies without the oatmeal, they will still be delicious.

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